Саммерхилл, школа А.С.Нилла. Воспитание свободой

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Представьте себе школу... [id5331076|@ecoatma] Где у детей есть свобода быть самими собой... instagram.com/ecoatma Где успех не определяется успеваемостью... Где каждый будет услышан... Где есть время и место, чтобы сидеть и мечтать... Это школа А.С.Нилла - "Саммерхилл" ("Summerhill"). t.me/asneill vk.com/a.s.neill ok.ru/a.s.neill instagram.com/a.s.neill_summerhill threads.net/@a.s.neill_summerhill my.mail.ru/community/a.s.neill rutube.ru/channel/24206938 facebook.com/a.s.neill2 share.looky.com/profile/a.s.neill_summerhill rossgram.onelink.me/gx2x/za253y1w nowapp.me/a.s.neill_summerhill Здоровье vk.cc/592sdR 🍒 Практическая ЗОЖ-рассылка: ВКонтакте https://vk.cc/clWOBV , Email https://vk.cc/cngxtL , Телеграм https://t.me/ekoduh_bot и Одноклассники https://vk.cc/cnH7AU 💥 Ближайшие мероприятия по здоровью и саморазвитию https://ekoduh.ru A.S Neill's Summerhill School is a progressive, co-educational, residential school based in Leiston, Suffolk, England, is the original alternative 'free' school. Founded in 1921, it continues to be an influential model for progressive, democratic education around the world. Imagine a school... Where kids have freedom to be themselves... Where success is not defined by academic achievement but by the child's own definition of success... Where the whole school deals democratically with issues, with each individual having an equal right to be heard... Where you can play all day if you want to... And there is time and space to sit and dream... http://www.summerhillschool.co.uk http://www.summerhill-photographers.co.uk http://vimeo.com/user884767 http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=2255149123 http://www.facebook.com/pages/Alexander-Sutherland-Neill/48997493369 http://www.facebook.com/pages/ASNeills-Summerhill-School/170202306343111 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Summerhill_School http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/A._S._Neill LIST OF BOOKS BY A. S. Neill Abebooks - second-hand books by A.S Neill - http://www.abebooks.com/ A Dominie’s Log – Herbert Jenkins, 1916; Hart, 1975 A Dominie Dismissed – Herbert Jenkins, 1917; Hart, 1975 A Booming of Bunkie – fiction, Herbert Jenkins, 1919 A Dominie in Doubt – Herbert Jenkins, 1921; Hart, 1975 Carroty Broon – fiction, Herbert Jenkins, 1921 A Dominie Abroad – Herbert Jenkins, 1923 A Dominie’s Five – fiction, Herbert Jenkins, 1924 The Problem Child – Herbert Jenkins, 1926; McBride, 1928 The Problem Parent – Herbert Jenkins, 1932 Is Scotland Educated? - Routledge, 1936 That Dreadful School – Herbert Jenkins, 1937 Last Man Alive – A Story for Children from the Age of Seven to Seventy - Herbert Jenkins, 1939; Gollancz, 1970 The Problem Teacher – Herbert Jenkins, 1939; International Universities Press, 1946 Hearts Not Heads in the School – Herbert Jenkins, 1945 The Problem Family – Herbert Jenkins, 1949; Hermitage Press, 1949 The Free Child – Herbert Jenkins, 1953 Summerhill - Gollancz, 1962; Penguin, 1968; Hart 1960 Freedom, not License! – Hart 1966 Talking of Summerhill – Gollancz, 1967 Neill! Neill! Orange Peel! – A Personal View of Ninety Years, Weidenfeld & Nicolson, 1973; Quartet, 1977 All The Best, Neill, Letters From Summerhill – Jonathan Croall (ed.), Andre Deutsch, 1983 The New Summerhill - Albert Lamb (ed.), Penguin Education, 1992